Financing our target investments we anticipate a financing structure of (35 % : 65 %) Equity to Debt, however the actual financing structure may be more optimized through our good relationships with international financial institutions. CIAF is open to discuss other various structures of finance that may accommodate its target business development

Operating Leases
Under an operating lease, costumers pay a smaller down payment (deposit), monthly lease, and maintenance reserve payments over the desired lease term. Leasing from us means you will have lower cash outlays, which preserves your working capital.

Purchase Leasebacks
Under a sale-leaseback arrangement, the aircraft owner sells the aircraft to the lessor (Ciaf Leasing) who then immediately leases the aircraft back to the original owner. Ciaf Leasing is providing purchase leaseback arrangements, which allow you to use the equity from your aircraft for other business needs, eliminate asset residual risk, and increase operational flexibility.