With our expanding range of aircraft types, we can help you expand your fleet, transition from older models to newer aircraft types, or provide interim capacity. Ciaf Leasing is targeting to have a portfolio of 35 (used and new) aircraft during the next 5 years.
At the core of the Ciaf Leasing aircraft portfolio are Airbus and Boeing narrowbody passenger aircraft, including the Airbus A320, Boeing 737.
The Current Aircraft Fleet investment is as follow:

One Boeing 737-800 of vintage 2011, leased attached to TUI (operating lease)

One Boeing 737-800 of vintage 2004, leased to AMC Airlines (operating lease)

One Boeing 737-800 of vintage 2013, leased to China Eastern Airlines (operating lease)

Two Boeing 737-500 of Vintage (1991-1992) leased to AMC Airlines (financial lease)

Two Air Bus A320-200 of Vintage (1993) leased to AMC Airlines (financial lease)